Tag: <span>Organic</span>

What Should I Do After a Google Algorithm Update or Google Organic Traffic Drop?

The most common question asked through my contact form is “How Do I Recover from a Google Core Update”? Website owners suffer an organic SEO ranking drop and are panicking to recover the traffic they once had. Google make significant changes to the search algorithms and systems several times a year. The Google Algorithm Updates […]

Organic SEO vs PPC vs Hybrid

There is an ongoing debate between digital marketing professionals over which method of SEO is most beneficial – Organic or paid? There is no straightforward answer to this question because it really depends on the niche you’re trying to rank for, keyword competition, target audience and a whole load of other factors. Check out this […]

Calculate Your Organic SEO CTR Manipulation

Many people ask me from my CTR Manipulation SEO article how to calculate the CTR formula. Click Through Rate is a super powerful SEO strategy that improves your rankings in Google. We provide exact CTR calculations, which our team use to raise any alarms to Google for not looking natural. The sheet in where we extract […]